Halogen — these will tend to have 20W bulbs and therefore you will have less per transformer,
the following are halogen a transformer can only support the total of all the lights wattage
added up ie 5 x 20 watt bulbs = 100 W therefore you need a 100Watt transformer – the following
are halogen lights
- Melbourne
- Luxform uplighter
- Brisbane
- Rock light
It is also always better to advise the thicker SPT 3 cable with halogen along with the cable
connectors that have a wider slot for the thick cable ie SPT -3 > SPT-1 these com in pack of two and
are priced at 2.99
The rest of the lights are led and as such are between 1.5W and 5W the same is true with regard
to selecting the correct transformer, add up the wattage of each light and you will then arrive
at the transformer needed. It would alway be better to allow a larger transformer thus allowing
customer to add more lights.
The cable with the lcd lights is SPT 1 with no need for different connectors as these are all
included in the box.
A point to remember is that after a run of 30m power will drop off.
Also keep in mind that a 100W transformer has two output sockets thereby allowing two main
cables to go of in different directions.