How To Plant And Care For A Bougainvillea

There are many people who would love to have a stunning Bougainvillea plant in their yard. Yet, they hold back because they do not feel that they know enough about it to successfully grow one. These people have questions that can be easily answered. Once the answers are known, it is easier to move ahead and begin growing one of these gorgeous plants.

The most often heard question is where these can be grown. These are tropical plants. They like weather that is hot and dry. They will need at least six hours of direct sun each day. They do not like temperatures that go below 60 degrees at night. While they of course need water, they want an area that is not rainy. They need to dry out between each watering.

Something else that is often heard is how big will this grow. These can grow quite tall. 13 feet is not unheard of. However, you are in control. You can trim it back and pinch back new shoots to keep it in control. Many people train it to grow on a trellis.

One more query is whether this is an easy care plant or not. The plant does need some care. It needs pruning for example. Pruning will not only keep it in control and at the size you want, it makes your plant stronger. It needs pruning for strength.

Is feeding necessary is another thing that people often wonder. Feeding is something that is needed. Food should be worked into the soil before planting. Food should also be given during the times when your plant blooms. This will be a couple of times a year if you are living in the proper environment. This will happen during the spring and early fall.

How often is watering necessary is something that every plant owner will need to know. These need a deep watering. The water has to get down to the roots. Once you have watered, you should allow the soil to dry out before you water again. Look and feel the soil, it should be dry. A wilting plant is also a sign that you should water.

Those who live in cold weather areas may feel that they are out of luck when it comes to one of these. They may question if there is anything they can do to change that. Luckily, there is. Keeping this a potted plant and keeping it trimmed and small is an option. It can then be brought indoors for the cold weather season and taken back outside when it is nice out.

The Bougainvillea is not a difficult plant. It is easy to care for once planted and established. One thing to keep in mind is that you want to be use care when choosing an area for planting. Transplanting will most likely not be possible so be sure before you put it into the ground. The delicate roots make digging it up and replanting difficult to do. When looking at the space keep in mind the full sized plant that it will become.

FAQs About The Bougainvillae Plant

Bougainvillae is a beautiful tropical plant. In areas that mimic a tropical environment they grow well. They need direct sunlight. At least six hours per day is good. It will also need soil that is well drained. This plant will need to have an opportunity to dry out between watering. Therefore, an area that gets a lot of rain will not be a good choice. Nor, will an area where nighttime temperatures go below 60 degrees.

If you live in a cold or wet area keep your plant potted and take it indoors over the winter. Leaving it outdoors over the winter in cold climates will result in your plant not coming back in the spring. You can then put the pot back out when the weather improves.

When breaking up the soil for planting add some food and fertilizer to the dirt. Mix it in well. This will give a good foundation for planting. Your plant will get some needed nutrients. Be gentle when planting. The roots on this are very tender.

After placing your plant in the hole that you have dug and prepared, gently fill it back up with dirt. Tap it down. Take your spade or other small shovel to make a trench a few inches out from the plant. Create the trench to go all the way around. This will be useful for keeping the water close by while your plant is become accustomed to its new home.

Water well in the beginning. After the plant has adjusted and settled you want to cut back on watering. Allow the soil to dry out between watering. You will be able tell it needs water when the soil is dry to the touch. When that happens water it well so the water gets down to the roots.

Prune to keep the shape and height that you want. These plants can and will grow tall. You will have to prune it to keep it manageable. Pruning also helps the plant to become stronger. This can be done at anytime of the year. Pinching back some of the new shoots is also good.

During the blooming season feeding is important. In the right area where the temperature is ideal these will flower twice per year. Once in the spring and once again in early fall. You should feed during these two times. The plant loses a lot of nutrients and this helps to replace them.

The Bougainvillae will benefit from a trellis. It is a vine and as it grows it can be trained to grow along the trellis. A fence will also work if there is one nearby. When you are choosing a spot for planting think about leaving room for a trellis or something being nearby for climbing. One thing you do not want nearby is a tree that might block out the sunlight. Blocked sunlight would be very bad and would keep the plant from thriving. However, with proper care you will have a stunning plant that is filled with gorgeous blooms.

Best Tips For Growing Bougainvillea

The Bougainvillea is a tropical plant. It likes high temperatures and will not do well in colder climates unless it is brought indoors in the cold weather months. This plant does not like nighttime temperatures that go below 60 degrees. It will need strong sunlight, at least 6 hours per day.It will also do best in an area that does not receive excessive rainfall. This plant needs well drained soil in order to grow well.

Choose a spot in your yard. Pick an area where there are no trees to block out the sunlight. These plants do not do well when transplanted so be sure that the area you choose is where you want your plant to stay. Their root system makes being able to transplant them highly unlikely. Take into account the full sized plant, not just the size it is when it is first planted.

Break up the dirt where you will be planting. Make the hole larger than the actual plant. Work some plant food and fertilizer into the soil. This will help give this plant a good start. Use a watering can to place some water in the hole. This will give the roots a good drink.

Place your plant in the prepared area. Back fill the hole with soil. Tap it down lightly. Make a small trench around your plant. This will keep the water from running off when you water. Use a hose on the shower setting of the nozzle or use the watering can to thoroughly water the plant.

Until your plant is settled you should ensure that it is watered well. Once the plant is established and over the shock of being planted you can cut back on watering. These plants are tropical and are tolerant to drought. You should wait until the soil looks and feels dry before watering. Then water enough so that it gets down to the roots.

Be aware that these can grow quite tall. However, you can keep yours short if you prune it back. This will also help it to look better and to grow better. Even if you want a tall plant, pruning is important. It helps them to be stronger. You can also prune to make it look better. If some branches are detracting from the look, prune them. Unlike some plant this type can be pruned at any time of the year without having a negative impact.

Feeding is important. You should also feed during the times when your plant is making flowers. They will need the extra nutrients during this time. For those with the right climate spring and early fall are the flowering times for these. Food will keep make your blooms even better. It will also replace nutrients that are being lost.

As your Bougainvillea grows you should think about installing a trellis. This plant is actually a vine and can be trained to grow along the trellis. These look beautiful on a pretty trellis with their stunning flowers. Even when they are not flowering, they stay green and look pretty.

What You Ought To Know About Cupressus Sempervirens

For centuries, the Cupressus Sempervirens species have been associated with gloominess and cemeteries. They could however be great if what you need are trees that can stand out. They are commonly known as the Mediterranean Cypress. This evergreen tree retains color throughout the year. It has a defined conical contour that can be noticed the moment it sprouts.

The wood produced is resinous, yellowish in color with an aromatic scent. It is also difficult to find and costly. The trees grow fast. The foliage is dark green while the branches have a horizontal growth. Its leaves group together and make a great shelter for songbirds. It is possible for the tree to grow up to 70 feet.

The tree is suitable for growing in well-drained soils. Mediterranean Cypress needs adequate sunlight and works well in areas with not less than six sunny hours every day. This tree can be grown with minimal problems. If the area is humid and hot, the plant may develop canker. Before you decide to grow it, make sure you learn more about this tree.

You ought to search for a lot of information concerning pests it can tolerate and those it cannot. Deer and rabbits are not harmful to it. It can also withstand drought well. The tree is suitable when you grow it in a variety of soils. This ranges from clay to sand. In addition to that, the tree can be best suited for moist to dry lands.

When the plant is young, feed it with adequate amounts of phosphorous. This works to boost the development of a reliable root system. Apply the right amount of phosphorous. The label on the bag should be studied well. On the maiden season, phosphorous is a vital nutrient for the trees. Ensure that there is a regular supply of water during the initial stages.

An average amount of water is adequate during the initial season. Make sure you do not expose it to excessive water. This is because the roots have a tendency of rotting and dying off. The first two years are the most crucial and need regular watering. Be sure to water the plant deeply once a week. Mulching helps a great deal in retaining the moisture and keeps off weeds.

You can plant the trees for use as a hedge. However, you will need to have it pruned regularly. It is a great choice to plant it on your entrance as well. Once the plant touches the soil, little attention is needed since it is an easy growing plant. If you need bushy trunks, simply cut off the top of the trees. However, many people prefer this tree because of the tall conical column.

The Cupressus Sempervirens tree is not selective of the soil. It does well in clay, loam or sandy soils. What you should ensure is always present is a good drainage. If your climate is warm, windy and dry, you need to have the plant well watered during winter. Common pests include bagworms that can be picked off and mites that can be removed by spraying with antiseptic soap.

Things You Need To Be Acquainted With When Growing Cupressus Sempervirens

Cupressus Sempervirens has been associated with cemeteries for long. They however stand out from the rest of the trees. They are also called the Mediterranean Cypress. This tree is evergreen because they are green all through the year. The tree is stable, hard and can grow for centuries. It has a definitive conical shape from the time it sprouts off the soil.

The trees are a good producer of yellowish, resinous and aromatic wood that is difficult to find. The wood is expensive. These trees are known for growing rapidly. The leaves are dark green in color and the branches grow horizontally. The leaves closely grow together, therefore a good shelter for songbirds. It remains possible for the trees to grow to a height of up to 70 feet.

The Mediterranean Cypress is suitable for growing in soils with good drainage. It should be exposed to enough sunlight and suitable for areas with at least six hours of sunshine each day. In general, growing the tree will expose you to very small problems. When the area is hot and humid, the tree can get canker. Importantly, if you need to grow it, ensure you understand more about the plant.

It could be wise to get adequate information on the possible pests and those that it is tolerant to. Rabbits and deer cause no major harm. The plants are great in withstanding drought. It could be suitable to grow the trees in a variety of soils that range from sand to clay. The plants generally do well in moist to dry lands.

A young tree needs to be fed with enough phosphorous. This is to boost it in developing a reliable root system. It is vital to give it adequate phosphorous. Ensure you closely study the label. During the first growing season, this is an important nutrient for your trees. Regular moisture is the required watering conditions of the initial growing season.

Provide average amounts of water for the first growing season. Ensure that the plant is not exposed to too much water. This could cause the roots to rot and subsequently die off. During the first two years, ensure there is regular watering. On the first year, make sure you water it deeply each week. It could be a splendid idea to mulch it to be sure it retains as much moisture and ward off weeds.

The plant is suitable for use as a hedge. You ought to prune it regularly though. It is also a splendid choice to have the trees at the entrance of a home. Once you have planted the tree, it needs only a little intervention. It is a kind of tree that grows easily. If you need a bushy trunk, you may cut off the pinnacle of the tree. Many people, however, choose this tree for the tall column shaped trunk.

The best aspect about the Cupressus Sempervirens species is that they do not select soil. They grow well in soil that is sandy, clay or loam. All you need is to ensure a reliable drainage. If you live in a dry, windy and warm climate, water the plant during winter lest it dries out. Common pests may include mites that can be sprayed with antiseptic soap and bagworms that can be physically removed.

Facts You Didn’t Know About The Cupressus Sempervirens

Although frequently associated with cemeteries, Cupressus Sempervirens or Mediterranean Cypress stands out from the rest. They come from the cypresses genus. The trees are evergreen, meaning that they remain green all through the year. The tree is hard and stable and will grow for centuries. The shape is definitive from the time the tree is small.

The trees are also known to produce resinous wood that is yellowish in color with strong aroma. The wood is difficult to find as well as expensive. They are known for their rapid growth as well. The foliage is dark green and the branches grow horizontally. Their leaves grow closely together, thus making a good shelter for birds. The tree can grow up to 70 feet tall.

This tree is suitable for growing in well-drained soils. It prefers enough sunlight therefore, can do extremely well in areas where there is sunshine for at least six hours. Generally, the tree is trouble free. However, in hot and humid areas, it is subject to canker. It remains important for people who want to grow this plant to learn more about it.

When planting the trees, know the kind of pests they are tolerant to. Animals such as rabbits and deer are not known to cause it any harm. As well, the trees can withstand drought. It can be grown on a variety of soils ranging from some sand to clay. As well, the water needs to range from dry to moist.

Young plants should be fed with extra phosphorous. This is meant to encourage the plant to develop a good root system. It is important that you apply the recommended amount of phosphorous depending on the label. This is important in the first growing season. The watering conditions required for the plants are regular moisture.

During the initial growing season, you need to give it an average amount of water. Be careful not to overwater the plant. This could result in roots rotting and dying off. For the first two years, regular watering is vital. During the first year, water it deeply once a week. It also is a good idea to mulch the plant to ensure moisture retention and keep off weeds.

The plant can be used for hedges, but will require regular pruning. It also is a good choice for the entrance to your home. Once the trees are in the ground, it needs little intervention. It can therefore be termed as an easy growing tree. You could cut off the top if what you need is a bushier trunk. Most people prefer it for its tall column shaped trunk though.

The best thing about the Cupressus Sempervirens is that it is not selective about soil. It will grow well in sandy, loam or clay soils as long as the drainage is good. If your climate is windy, warm and dry, it could be better when it is watered especially during winter since it could dry out. Some common pests include bagworms whose bags can be picked out, and mites that can be sprayed with antiseptic soap.

The Beautiful Trachelospermum Jasminoides Or Star Jasmine

Despite the Latin name of Trachelospermum Jasminoides, this plant is not a member of the Jasminum genus. Rather it belongs to the dogbane family along with the carissa, mandevilla, catharanthus and frangipani. It is commonly known as the star jasmine and is a very attractive and popular evergreen climber.

In the United States it is particularly suited to the area sometimes called the Confederate States of America and has been given the name of Confederate jasmine. This area includes climatic zones 8 to 10. It is also known as the Trader’s Compass following a story told by the Uzbekistan people the plant would show the way to traders who were lost. However it would only do this if they were of good character.

The star jasmine occurs naturally in the woodlands of India, China, Japan, Korea and other Asian countries. Its attractive appearance and fragrant flowers have made it a favorite in gardens and parks around the world. The dark green, glossy leaves are oval with pointed ends. It is covered in a profusion of star-shaped, heavily scented white flowers through summer and autumn.

The flowers have a diameter of one to two centimeters. There are five petal-like lobes radiating out from the center. The plant sometimes takes quite a while to become established. It flowers prolifically in both sunny and shaded areas, climbing to six or nine meters. It can be controlled quite easily by being pruned back once it has finished flowering. Light trimming as tendrils appear will keep it looking trim.

The star jasmine is often used to cover verandas and pergolas. It softens the look of harsh walls and hides unsightly tree trunks or sheds. It also has a place as a groundcover or spill-over plant. Other uses are as a hedge or garden edging. When grown over a wire frame, it makes a very attractive topiary feature.

As well as excelling as a groundcover and climber, it will enhance a patio when grown in a container. They grow well indoors. In cold climates, they will beautify a greenhouse. Providing they are exposed to some sun during the winter, they will bloom fragrantly in summer and autumn.

The star jasmine likes soils that are well-drained. They require some organic material but will grow in soils ranging from light sandy conditions to clay. They are sometimes affected by frost but are reasonably drought tolerant once they are firmly rooted. The few cultivars that are available are rather slow growing and not particularly vigorous. Tricolor has attractive pink shading in any new growth and is very attractive although it takes several years to settle in an area. Variegatum has white margins on the foliage and another has a creamy-white leaf.

Distilled oil is obtained from the flowers. The oil is valued for its use in top quality perfumes. Incense is another product from the star jasmine. As a homeopathic remedy, Trachelospermum Jasminoides has value for those with conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. The stems are sometimes made into bast fiber. This is used for rope, carpet, textiles, paper, sacking and burlap.

Best Ways To Care For A Tuscan Olea Europea Tree

The evergreen Olea Europea is a tree native to the Mediterranean region. It is widely popular for its attractive accent. The foliage is feathery and grayish-greenish. The branches are gnarled. It is possible to grow this tree in a number of warm climates that do not fall below 30 degrees Fahrenheit. When growing this tree, remember to planting it at an ideal site. Pruning and creating a water cycle is vital.

The tree requires to be planted in a well-drained soil. You should protect it from strong winds. The roots do not grow very deep and could fall over when exposed to extreme elements. Multiple trees should be planted not more than 20 feet apart. As well, be sure to leave at least 50 feet headroom since the average height is 30-50 feet.

The tree is mainly resistant to wind, frost as well as drought. The wood produced can make good furniture. A fully-grown tree is neatly shaped with a dense crown that can grow nine meters wide. The flowers are tiny white to greenish. They have a light scent. Eventually they produce small, round and lightly corpulent fruits that are purple black when ripe.

When planting this tree, ensure you do so near a water source. The fruits are popular with people and animals. The tree also has medicinal value. It can be used to treat high blood pressure and eye lotions. As well, it could be used to treat diarrhea. It also produces a variety of products such as furniture, ornaments, spoons and fencing posts. The fruit juice produces ink.

This tree can make a good shade for plants in the garden especially from its evergreen nature. All you need is to propagate the seeds in river sand. In addition, you could use the hardwood cuttings but remember to use a rooting hormone. Do not plant the tree too close to pools, patios or walls. This is because of the potentially aggressive root system.

The plant needs a lot of compost. Mulching with organic materials such as dried leaves is vital to avoid weeds and loss of water. Throughout the year, you need to keep the watering moderate. It is vital that you plant it in fertile soils that have a good draining. Poor quality drainage may lead to rotting of the roots. Such a problem will reduce the structure and function of the entire tree.

After this tree is established, you do not necessarily have to water it since it is drought tolerant. The plant species do not have any pests that are common to it. It could however suffer from diseases such as Verticillium wilt, which may result with falling branches and shrivelled leaves. What may also affect the common Olive tree is rotting of roots because of a fungal infection.

When feeding the Olea Europea it is vital, you use high-nitrogen fertilizer. Water it well for a year until new growth is evident. Use pruning shears to remove any dead, diseased or broken branches. As well, during its dormant season, prune back any awkward branches to ensure penetration of sunlight and air. Also, remove any forms of suckers.

Information About The Useful Olea Europaea (Olive Tree)

The Olea Europaea (Olive Tree) is an integral part of the Mediterranean landscape. It is one of the first trees ever to be mentioned in ancient scripts. It was considered sacred and its branches were used to adorn outstanding athletes and warriors. The oil was used as lamp oil and burnt in temples and churches. The olive represents power and glory as well as peace and purity. The Latin name translates as ‘oil from Europe’.

The oil, wood and leaves all have significant value. The leaves are used for medicinal purposes in tea, skin preparations and soaps. The yellow to light brown, close-grained wood has an attractive darker tint running through the grain. Woodworkers hold the timber in high regard. Olive oil has been a major agricultural crop in the Mediterranean regions for thousands of years. The oil, of course, is used extensively all over the world in cooking and eating.

It is a short, stubby tree. It is regularly pruned back but rarely reaches 48 feet in its wild state. It is an evergreen with attractive silver-grey foliage. The trunks of old trees are twisted and gnarled. The fleshy drupe or fruit contains a hard stone. Cultivated trees have larger, fleshier fruit than wild trees. Depending on its intended use, fruit may be harvested when green or purple. Some varieties have black fruit while some olives are treated with chemicals to turn them black when canned.

Whereas the trees were once restricted to the Mediterranean region, it is now grown around the world. Only the oil palm and coconut cover more area than the olive. There are only six subspecies of Olea Europaea. Hundreds of cultivars have been developed for specific purposes. For example the Kalamata has been produced specifically for consumption as a fruit. Others have been improved to produce greater amounts or better quality oil.

Olives prefer light soils and may become diseased on soil that is too rich. They prefer limestone slopes. If they have good drainage, they will even grow on clay. With an extensive root system they stand up well to drought conditions but do not like cold weather. Some ancient trees have been carbon-dated as being over 2,000 years old. Even these very old trees continue to bear fruit.

Propagation is usually by grafting a cultivar to a host. Another way is to plant embryonic buds which then shoot into new trees. Harvests vary from year to year and it is rare to have a heavy yield two years running. Routine pruning helps keep the trees low and allows easy picking.

The fruit is harvested in autumn and winter. Methods of harvesting vary from shaking the branches and picking up the fallen fruit to ‘milking’ the olives by hand-picking into sacks. Mechanical units also employ spinning tongs which knock the fruit from the tree. Sometimes a net is placed round the trunk and spread out like an umbrella to catch the fruit.

Very few varieties are eaten raw as the taste is quite bitter. Curing and fermenting are employed to make the olives acceptable for eating. The Olea Europaea (Olive Tree) will continue to be a very popular crop.

Information About The Olea Europaea (Olive Tree)

The Mediterranean region is the home of the Olea Europaea (Olive Tree). It is mentioned in ancient scripts and has long been considered sacred. Heroes were bedecked with its branches after significant victories. It represented power and glory in these instances. The oil is burnt in religious buildings representing, this time, peace and purity. Olea Europaea when translated means ‘oil from Europe’.

While olive oil might be considered the most important part of the tree, the leaves and wood are also valued. In its native lands, the oil is a major crop for farmers. Medicinal tea is made from the leaves which are also used in skin preparations and soaps. Woodworkers value the close-grained wood. This is yellow to light brown and has a darker tint running through it.

Olives rarely grow past 48 feet. It is short, squat, evergreen shrub with silvery green leaves. Cultivated groves are pruned frequently. As the trees age, the trunks grow twisted and gnarled. The drupe or fruit is elongated and fleshy with a hard stone or pit. The fruit of wild olives is smaller than and not as fleshy as that of cultivated trees. Harvesting takes place when the fruit is green to purple in color. There are now varieties which bear black fruit. Some are treated with chemicals when canned to turn them black.

It has always been a major agricultural crop in the Mediterranean area and is extensively cultivated throughout the world. Only coconuts and oil palms cover more acreage than olives. There are six subspecies of Olea Europaea and hundreds and hundreds of cultivars. Some cultivars such as Kalamata are famed for their qualities as a table food while others are used almost exclusively for the production of oil.

Olives can succumb to disease when grown on rich soil. They like limestone slopes but will grow on clay if well-drained. Although they don’t like the cold, they cope well with drought as they have an extensive root system. They are very long-lived with some having been carbon-dated as over 2,000 years old. Even at these advanced ages, the trees still produce olives.

Trees grown from suckers or seeds do not usually yield well. Generally the cultivar is grafted onto a host. Alternatively the embryonic buds may be cut out and planted. It is rare to have a heavy harvest every year. By regular pruning the trees are kept low enough for the fruit to be more easily picked.

Harvest occurs in autumn and winter. By shaking the branches, fruit falls to the ground to be picked up. Pickers may ‘milk’ the olives into a sack tied round the waist or an umbrella-like net may be placed round the trunk and the fruit caught in this. A mechanical method has spinning tongs which remove the fruit from the tree.

In its natural state, the fruit is bitter and is rarely eaten in its fresh state. Fermenting and curing are the usual methods of treating the olives. The Olea Europaea (Olive Tree) has enjoyed a very long history and will continue to do so.

The Uses Of Cupressus Sempervirens

Cupressus Sempervirens is a type of cypress tree which originated from the east but it is currently found in the Mediterranean area. The species is medium sized with an average of about 35 meters tall. The plant has a conic shape at the tip with a number of branches which have loose hanging branchlets. The plant is long lived as some are revealed to have existed for more than a thousand decades. The scientific classification categories the plant under kingdom Plantae, class Pinopsida, division Pinophyta, order Pinales, genus Cupressus, family Cyperaceae and species Sempervirens.

The leaves of this tree are dark green in color and are created on curved shoots with a length of about two to five millimeters. The seed cones are ovoid and are about 25 to 40 mm long. After pollination the cones are green in color but changes to brown after a period of two years. Male cones discharge pollen grains in the delayed winter. It develops in places with dry summer and stormy winter seasons.

The wood from the plant is resilient is used to make, doors and several other house furniture. Before the development of stainless-steel, cypress was used in alcohol fermentation process. It works out well in well drained soils, although require to be planted in well prepared sites and have to be watered regularly until its roots are well established. This plant has a high ecological and genetic value.

These plants are vulnerable to illnesses like the cypress canker which is caused by fungus Seiridium cardinal. A number of well grown up trees form a good block which helps to reduce the strength of wind since the leaves cover a large surface area. This plant is also used to cure some diseases like whooping cough, sore throats and control flu. Regular cleaning of feet with its cones helps to reduce perspiration.

The Leaves and wood of the plant contains some oil in them and both have been widely used in soap and perfume industries. Wood from this plant is hard and resilient, and has been used to make wall units and wardrobes. The wood maintains its fragrance which helps to get rid of moths and worms which attack timber. Oil from these plants is advantageous and is used during significant upheavals for it regenerates and soothes tissues.

When consumed in the right proportions it increases blood flow in the body and thereby better its performance towards coughs and other respiratory disease. The plant is perennial in nature and has its origin from the east. Well matured cones have nuts inside. Wood from this plant was used to build ancient ships and houses. The Greeks also used it to carve sculptures of their god.

A well matured plant has a wide and straight trunk with its shoots growing in all directions. The male and female cones are well situated along its branches. For this species to reproduce, pollination has to take place and the first flowers are produced after a duration of about three to four years.

The branches of Cupressus Sempervirens can either grow horizontally or shoot upwards depending on the type of the plant. It helps to reduce soil erosion in sloppy areas because its roots are well spaced out and strongly hold the ground. Wood from this is also used in construction of decent buildings since it is hard in nature.

The Nature Of Cupressus Sempervirens

Cupressus Sempervirens is a type of cypress plant which is normally found around the Mediterranean region several other areas with favorable weather conditions. The plant is evergreen even during the summer times. It is about thirty five meters tall with a conic crown and strong branches which have some loosely attached branchlets. The plant is classified under the kingdom plantae, placed in division Pinopsida under the family Cyperaceae, in genus Cupressus and species Sempervirens.

The trunk of the tree is dark green with a hard cover which helps in the transportation of water to the leaves. The plant grows even in dark sprays and has short leaves which are needle like in nature. Well matured plants produce some cones which help in reproduction. The cones are green during the first stages but changes to brown after some time.

This tree is popular and well recognized for its perfumed and strong wood which majorly used in the construction of permanent structures and furniture. In the ancient times long before stainless steel was discovered, cypress was used in distilleries to aid in alcohol fermentation. The plant grows well in perfectly drained soils and also requires to be watered regularly during its early stages until the roots are established.

The plants are attacked by some fungus when they are left out to survive by themselves without much care. Rodents like mice also attack their roots and can even make them dry up. A group of these plants form a good cover which helps to reduce the wind strength and thereby minimizing damages which have been caused. The plant is also known to cure some diseases like whooping cough, sore throats and flu.

Constant washing of feet with cones help one to reduce excessive sweating. Both leaves and wood of this plant contains some amount of essential oil which is safe for human use. Due to its good aroma, the wood and leaves of this plant have been used extensively in soap and perfume industries. The plant gives hardwood timber which is able to repel some of the warmth attacking it. It has also been used to make a variety of objects including cabinets and wardrobes.

Oil from this species helps to improve the rate of blood flow in the body and thereby solves a number of issues in the entire system. Increased blood circulation solves the cough problems and even makes one feel better and strong. This tree is perennial in nature and it came from the east.

During the ancient times, the Cretans and Phoenicians knew the benefits of this species because they constructed ships and houses using wood from it. The Greeks also made curved images of their gods from it. The trunk of this species is straight in nature and both the male and female cones grow in the same plant but are perfectly located within the branches.

There are two major varieties of Cupressus Sempervirens although they are classified according to branch type. Some branches grow horizontally while others prefer to shoot upwards. This plant greatly helps to reduce the rate of soil erosion as its roots are firmly fixed to the ground.