Why Gardeners Should Find Room For Trachelospermum Jasminoides

If there is one plant that gardeners should try to make room for on their patch it is the Trachelospermum Jasminoides. This attractive and versatile climbing vine lends itself to a variety of garden situations. The Star Jasmine as it is commonly known, though occasionally referred to as Confederate Jasmine or Trader’s Compass, is a star performer.

The Star Jasmine is a member of the Dogbane family, or Apocynaceae. It originates from South East Asia, but happily makes its home in milder zones all around the world. In some cases it makes itself almost too comfortable and many botanists regard it as an invasive species. Nevertheless, its attractiveness makes it a much admired and sought after plant.

It has glossy, evergreen leaves which often take on an appealing bronze tinge in colder weather. These are arranged in pairs around the stem. The flowering period is short, often no more than a few weeks, but intense. Masses of pretty tubular white flowers are borne on the woody stems. They release a powerful, heady aroma, thus it is a plant widely used plant in perfumery. The scent is as attractive to local wildlife as it is to humans.

The Star Jasmine has a vigorous climbing habit. It can look charming growing over arches and pergolas. It is very useful for covering up eyesores such as ugly fencing and walls. If allowed, it will trail elegantly from large containers. It can also make for excellent ground cover, particularly beneath trees where other plants struggle to thrive. Few plants are so useful.

The vines prefer a neutral soil but will tolerate soil that is either slightly acidic or slightly alkaline. They thrive best on free draining loams. A vine can be planted either in full sun or in partial shade. A little shade shows off the white blooms to their best advantage. During the growing season they will require plenty of watering and an occasional dressing of general purpose fertilizer. They are generally trouble free plants, which are rarely attacked by pests or disease.

The Star Jasmine is classed as a semi-hardy perennial and therefore will not tolerate severe frosts. However, it may survive a general dip in temperature if grown in an accommodating micro-climate. Growing plants against west or southwest facing walls gives some added protection against frosts. Those living in colder climates can still enjoy this pretty and fragrant vine by growing it indoors as a conservatory plant.

Propagation is not difficult. Semi-ripe cuttings can be taken after flowering. Indeed it is always worth taking a few of these each year as insurance against loss of the parent plant to unexpected frosts. Seed can also be collected from the pods. These should be allowed to dry on the plant. The collected seeds, once cleaned, store well ready for sowing next season.

Trachelospermum Jasminoides is a generous plant that performs well in a variety of circumstances. It demands very little care, yet gives great pleasure and joy to those who give it a home in their gardens. It is both a practical and beautiful addition to the garden.

The Uses Of The Thuya Plicata Excelsa Tree

This tree that comes from the family of Cyprus and the genus of Cedrus has many other names. It was named by many people depending on where they grew. It is also known as the western red cedar, the pacific red cedar, the giant cedar, the western arborvitae or the shingle wood. The Thuya plicata excelsa is a related to the true cedar.

The seedlings grow into a very large tree. It also produces very many and beautiful pieces of timber. Their timbers are red in color. This unique shade enhances the beauty of this tree when it comes to the appearance. The species is therefore preferred when it comes to the designing of trees. The wood can also be used in the construction of things. Mostly it is used outdoors. Some of the common ones are poles, roof construction and bee hives.

The Thuya plicata excelsa tree is very expensive when it comes to price. This is because it usually is wanted by many customers but very hard to find it. The timbers of this tree are very durable. It has the ability to resist rotting. This is why most people prefer this tree for building purposes. People are known to love this tree mostly because of its sweet smell. Many people are able to identify this wood because of its aroma.

Thuya timbers are also used in the curving of ornaments. Their red color makes them appealing to the eyes of many women. The timber can also dye well. This therefore increases the range of color that they come in. Even though this wood is very light, it can be said to among the strongest woods. This is why the species is preferred in the construction of boats.

The Thuya plicata excelsa tree is also used for construction the guitar. This is enhanced by its ability to produce warm sound, it is also dark, and is light. It is therefore the most preferred. The wood contains certain oils within it that are beneficial when it comes to the fighting of fabric pests. Many people choose it for the construction of their drawers because of this property.

Carpenters and wood specialists are said to prefer the Thuya plicata excelsa trees since they are able to glue them with other tree perfectly. They are also very strong and durable. This is because they have a chemical known as fungicide. This chemical is found in the mature trees. It acts as medicine for the timber, since it ably prevents it from rotting.

Items made from this tree and its parts are usually very beautiful. This is because of its exceptional beauty. The trees are used to make many more things. Some of them include; utensils, boards and vessels. The bark is also used in the weaving of various things, for example mats. It is also used in the making of baskets. These items come out very light.

The Thuya plicata excelsa tree is able to serve several functions. Among its roles is the fact that it performs functions that are of the benefit of the society. This makes this tree the most preferred tree. Due to this demand, these trees have become very rare to find.

The Popularity Of The Thuya Plicata Excelsa Tree

The Thuya plicata excelsa is a tree from the family of Cyprus. It has a number of other names apart from the common one. These names are used according to the locality of the trees. Some of the names are; the shingle wood, western red cedar, the giant cedar, the pacific red cedar, the western arborvitae. It comes from the genus known as Cedrus.

The wood of this tree has been known for its ability to perform different functions. It is very beautiful in appearance. It has a red shade when the timber is made. This enhances its beauty. It is also used mostly in the construction of outdoor items for example, beehives, roofs and poles. This tree has straight timber; this is very easy for one to create different designs from it. The tree is also large enough.

The timbers of this tree can be identified only by the smell. This is because it has a sweet scent. Its color also makes it easy to notice. The tree is also preferred for building purposes since it lasts long. It does not decay. It thus is on high demand due to its unique properties. However, it is very rare for one to find it. This makes it very expensive in the market.

The woods that come from this tree are very light. This makes it among the best woods to construct a boat. Being a light but very strong wood, it can be used perfectly for this purpose. Among the common trees for building boats such as the mahogany, this one beats them all. This timber is also used for the making of ornaments. This is enhanced by its beautiful nature and ability to dye well with other colors making it come in several colors.

The woods of this tree are mostly used in the construction of the chest and drawers used to store clothes. There are some insects such as the moth which may tamper with the contents of a chest. These pests are very stubborn and are known for their destruction. They usually spoil fabric. However this timber has the ability to send them away. It contains some oil that acts as a repellant. It is also very light, dark and has a warm sound. This makes it the appropriate wood for the construction of the guitar.

The mature trees are known to secrete a chemical known as fungicide. This chemical helps in the boosting the immunity of the tree. It prevents the timber from rotting. This makes it very durable. Under normal circumstances, this can last up to a decade. The tree can also work well with others. This is because their woods blend very well with various timbers.

There are other functions of this tree. It is used in the making of the utensils and flower vessels. Its parts are also used in the construction of several other things for example, its bark. It is used in the making of baskets, weaving of mats and making of ropes. These items are usually very beautiful and admirable.

The Thuya plicata excelsa tree is a very popular tree among the human population. This is because it is able to perform various functions. It can construct a number of things both indoors and outdoors. This tree produces very many pieces of timber. This is because most of them are very large in size.

Importance Of The Thuya Plicata Excelsa Tree

Thuya plicata excelsa has a variety of names. The tree is also known as, the western red cedar, the pacific cedar, the giant cedar, the arborvitae or the shingle wood. This tree is a type of tree from the Cyprus family. Despite the fact that it has many names, it belongs to the cedars. It comes from the Cedrus genus.

The tree is easily noticed since it is very large. This tree has a number of benefits to human beings. The species has quality timber. Their timbers are red in color making it exceptionally beautiful. The timber is straight making it easy for one to design them. They are mostly used for outdoor construction. Some people use them in the construction of bee hives. But most people use them for poles, construction of the roof and many more.

This tree is expensive in the market. This is because the species is rare to find. It is also in high demand since it possesses the ability to last long. It is highly resistant to decay. This property makes it the most preferred tree when it comes to construction. The timbers from this tree have a very sweet smell. One can identify this timber just by color and smell.

The wood is also used for the construction of boats. This is because of it’s light nature. It can therefore be able to float. Although its timber is light, it is considered the strongest tree. It has been noted to be much better than the common woods for boat building such as mahogany. This tree is also used for making ornaments. Since it has a very beautiful appearance, it is loved by women because of its natural color. It also dyes well with other colors making the ornaments to come in a variety of colors.

The Thuya plicata excelsa tree is also used in the construction of chests and drawers. This is because it has some oils that are said to send pests and insects away. There are some notorious pests known to eat clothes in the drawers. This is beneficial to the owner. These oils can be retained in the woods for a long time. The lightness of the wood, its dark color, and its warm sound has made the wood a popular choice for the construction of the guitar.

The wood of mature trees has been discovered to contain a certain chemical. This chemical is known as fungicide. It comes with a number of benefits though the major one is that it treats the timber and prevents rotting. This property makes the tree even last more than a decade. The wood has been known for its ability to blend well with other trees. It has the ability to be glued with various trees. This is to mean it can be used alongside various woods.

Other parts of the tree are also of benefit. As said earlier the tree performs various functions such as, making utensils, flower vessels, boards and many more. However the bark of the Thuya plicata excelsa is also highly used. Baskets, ropes and weaving are done by using these barks. They make a beautiful structure after completion.

From the above discussion it has been noted that this type of Thuya plicata excelsa tree is very beneficial to the society. This is because it is versatile. It can be used in the construction of various things that are essential amongst the population. The tree is very large and therefore produces a large number of timbers.

The Versatile And Attractive Cupressus Macrocarpa

Cupressus macrocarpa is probably more commonly known as macrocarpa or Monterey cypress. Goldcrest (Monterey cypress) is one of the striking cultivars developed from Cupressus macrocarpa. There are remnant endemic forests at Carmel and Monterey in California. Forests of the macrocarpa once stretched down the west coast. It is one of the New World cypresses. These are now being reclassified and renamed as Callitropsis macrocarpa.

Although the trees once flourished right down the Californian coast, they are now restricted to two small areas. One is an area in Point Lobos State Reserve. The Del Monte Forest also contains ancient cypress trees. Some of these are estimated at over 2,000 years old. Climatic conditions in these areas include constant fog which comes in off the ocean and cool but humid summers.

IN the United States, the Monterey cypress is also found in western Oregon. It has firmly established itself in New Zealand to the point of becoming naturalized. Great Britain, Ireland and countries around the Mediterranean are also home to this tree. In Kenya it is being trialled as a timber crop. There are many specimens grown along the coast of California where it is just as popular in public parks as it is in suburban gardens.

The ancient coastal trees have gnarled, twisted trunks. They are stunted and flat-topped with wide, spreading crowns. In areas more suited to their culture, heights of 40 meters are not uncommon and diameters may reach nearly 3 meters. They have rough, fibrous bark and bright green foliage carried in dense sprays.

The cypress has a number of uses. It makes a good windbreak and shelter tree when grown in belts or rows. In New Zealand the timber is used for fence posts. An absence of native diseases in New Zealand gives rise to some of the largest specimens. The leaves have a slight toxicity to livestock and can cause abortion in cattle. Craftspeople, boat builders and furniture makers have high regard for the attractive grain and color of the timber. As an ornamental tree it has few peers. As firewood, it burns well and produces good heat. However it is not a good choice for open fires as it produces a lot of sparks.

The ideal environment will be near the coast in areas with cool summers. Hot summers often result in an outbreak of cypress canker. This fungal disease causes the trees to die after a few years. Under natural conditions, the cones open and disperse their seeds during periods of fire although hot summer days sometimes cause the cones to burst. In Point Lobos, treatment with fire is being considered as regeneration is very low.

There are a number of attractive cultivars. Lutea and Goldcrest are both highly regarded for their yellow-green foliage. The latter has been awarded the Award of Golden Merit by the Royal Horticultural Society.

Cultivars may have slightly different forms. Brunniana aurea is conical while Gold Rocket is narrow and erect. A dwarf form is Greenstead Magnificent which has blue-green foliage. Lambertiana aurea is a hardy variety which will grow in poor soil and less than ideal climatic regions. Aurea saligna has long cascades of weeping branches. Cupressus macrocarpa has a number of attractive features.