Holm Oak

Holm Oak

holm oak

In a previous article we mentioned the native of Holm Oak (or Quercus Ilex), the care that it needs and some of its uses. This is an article about the medicinal properties of Holm Oak.

The medicinal identity of the Holm Oak comes from its wealth in tannins, especially its acid. Tannins plays a significant role in accelerating the wound healing and stopping the flow of bleeding. Additionally, many people use tannins as a herbal medicine for external use. Some other treatments that Holm Oak can provide are the following:

  • Eczemas: The external use of the preparation of Holm Oak helps to dry up the affected areas.
  • Sore throat and Pharyngitis: The decoction, which is made for the bark of the plant, reduce the throat inflammation.
  • Wounds: As we mentioned before this plant has the ability to stop bleeding and to disinfect wounds.
  • Indigestions: The preparations of Holm Oak can help to digest the food better.

Olea Europaea (Olive Tree) Tuscany Style

Olea Europaea (Olive Tree) Tuscany Style

olive tree

The word olive derives from Latin olive which is similar to the Greek elaia. Olive tree is an evergreen small tree which belongs to the family of Oleaceae. It is native to Mediterranean Basin, Iraq and northern Iran.


Its fruit is called olive. Olive is of great agricultural importance, especially in the Mediterranean region, as it is the source of olive oil.


The olive tree has been cultivated for its olive fruit, olive oil and also olive leaves. Olive oil is well known for its flavor and also its health benefits. Olive leaf is used as a medicinal plant as its extracts can be used for anti-aging, immunostimulator and antibiotic purposes.


Olive tree needs to be placed in the sunniest position. It doesn’t need too much water. Allow them dry out a bit between watering. It is a quite hardy tree as has incredible cold tolerance. Olive trees are kept outside for the whole season.

Pineapple guava tree for Sale

Pineapple guava tree

pineapple guanava

Pineapple guava tree (Acca sellowiana) is native to Brazil and North Argentina. It is an evergreen, perennial shrub or small tree. Its growing up to 7m tall. It is cultivated as a garden plant and fruiting tree. The fruit of pineapple guava tree, maturing in autumn, is green and has a sweet flavor. Apart from fruits this plant has exotic and beautiful red flowers.


The fruit of this tree is sweet and it is eaten. It is also cooked and used in dishes where one would use stewed fruit.

Sun and Wind

Full sun is the best for this plant however it can tolerate partial shade. The pineapple guava makes a good windbreak. It is not ideal to be in the first line wind brake but it can take some salt air.


This plant does not need much care. It requires a decent amount of water. You can cut it for shape and watering it only when its fruit is maturing.

More information you can fine at our websitewww.gardenplantsonline.co.uk

The Attractive And Versatile Cupressus Macrocarpa

One of the cultivars of Cupressus macrocarpa is Goldcrest (Monterey Cypress). Cupressus macrocarpa has the common name of Monterey cypress or macrocarpa. There are small endemic populations of the tree at Monterey and Carmel in California. These two groups are all that is left of a once extensive forest along the west coast. It is one of the New World cypresses and, along with others of its’ type, is now often classified as Callitropsis macrocarpa.

The remnant forest in California is small groves in Point Lobos State Reserve and Del Monte Forest. Trees in the area have been verified as 2,000 years old. These regions have cool, humid summers and sea fog is a constant phenomena.

Cupressus macrocarpa is also found in western Oregon, Great Britain, Portugal, Sicily, Italy, Greece, Ireland and France. It has become naturalized in New Zealand and is well regarded there. It is now grown in Kenya with experimental crops being trialled for timber. It is a popular ornamental tree and widely grown along the coast of California where it appears in both private and public gardens.

In its’ native areas, the trees are stunted and flat-topped with twisted trunks and wide-spreading crowns. Under ideal conditions, it can reach heights of 40 meters with trunk diameters of 2.5 meters or more. It has dense sprays of bright-green foliage and rough, fibrous bark.

The cypress makes a lovely ornamental tree. In New Zealand, it is also used for fence posts and as a windbreak and shelter tree. It is often grown in rows or belts for this purpose. The foliage may cause abortion in cattle as it is slightly toxic. The absence of native diseases allows it to reach much greater heights than in its’ native areas. As a timber, its’striking colors are highly regarded by craftspeople and furniture makers. Small manufacturers and boat builders also use the timber. Although it burns well as firewood, it produces a lot of sparks and is not suitable for open fireplaces.

It thrives in oceanic areas with cool summers. Away from the coastal fog belt and in areas with hot summers, it may become infected with the fungal disease, cypress canker. In it’s native habitat, it relies on fire to force open the cones thus allowing the seeds to disperse. Cones sometimes open after hot summer days. At Point Lobos, regeneration is slow and fire treatments are being considered.

A number of cultivars have been developed to take advantage of one or other of the cypress’s distinguishing characteristics. Goldcrest and Lutea are popular as garden varieties. Both have yellow-green foliage. Goldcrest has been given the distinction of the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Golden Merit.

Cupressus macrocarpa cultivars have differing attributes. Brunniana aurea has an attractive conical shape while Gold Rocket is narrower. If you like blue-green foliage, the dwarf form, Greenstead Magnificent, would be sure to please. Where the climate is not ideal and especially if the soil is poor, a good choice would be Lambertiana aurea. This is hardy and tough. Another very pretty cultivar is Aurea saligna which has long, weeping branches that cascade towards the ground. If you are looking for a striking specimen tree, it would be hard to go past Cupressus macrocarpa.

Uses For Semi Arundinaria Yashadake Kimmei

Growing bamboo plants, both for aesthetic and commercial use, is becoming increasingly popular. There are many different types of bamboo to choose from including the popular Semi Arundinaria Yashadake Kimmei. This beautiful and versatile plant is native to China and Japan, but grows well in many parts of North America.

Anyone considering commercial production of bamboo will find that there are many markets. Bamboo flooring has become very popular. It is light in color and adds a natural richness to any room. In addition, it is very hard waring and perfect for busy family homes. Yet one of the most enduring features for many shoppers is the fact that it comes from a sustainable resource. Many people are now aware that the destruction of hardwood forest is bad for everyone, and are actively looking for environmentally responsible alternatives.

Bamboo really is an amazing plant. It grows very quickly and is very tough. Climate and soil conditions do not have to be perfect. It is drought resistant and also not damaged by deer. There are so many different varieties, that can be grown for specific purposes. Blinds and screens are now being made, they are such naturally beautiful products that bring a touch of eastern elegance to any home. The larger bamboos are perfect for making furniture and even fence rails.

Landscapers are coming to value the many things that bamboo has to offer. As well as making a hardy and decorative element to any backyard, it can also add to privacy and create shade. Anyone incorporating a water feature should consider bamboo pipes. They are pollution free and aesthetically pleasing and keep the eastern theme running throughout the entire area.

Of the many varieties the Kimmei is a very popular one. It is part of the Poaceae family and flourishes in full sun. It is a good choice for undulating landscapes as it thrives in pretty much any terrain. It can be the perfect way to create visual interest in a large but plain back yard. Anyone with such an area to work on should talk with their landscaper about the benefits of adding some Kimmei.

Another popular choice is the Shibataea. This variety is from the genus Phyllostachys and is the perfect material for creating thick hedges for privacy and shade. It can also be trimmed to form shapes and add a great talking point to any back yard area. For those who like to spend time outdoors relaxing there is nothing better than a bamboo garden. It really brings the tranquility of the orient right to any home.

One of the few downsides of bamboo is that without good management it can grow out of control very quickly. The underground root system spreads fast, and new owners must be sure to keep up a good management program. This will mean trimming back the plants in the spring and cutting back any excessive growth.

Semi Arundinaria Yashadake Kimmei and other bamboos make a great feature of any yard or garden. There are plenty of nursery and plant farms growing bamboo throughout the country. Finding a local grower is the first step. It is then worth spending some time discussing the landscaping requirements to find just the right variety. Growers will be more than willing to help and advise.

Tips On Growing Semi Arundinaria Yashadake Kimmei

There are many uses for Semi Arundinaria Yashadake Kimmei bamboo. It is the perfect for material for making privacy fences. It grows fast, thrives in different types of soil, is hardy and survives drought conditions and quickly produces a thick fence with many benefits. The most valuable asset is that it is environmentally friendly and does not have any of the negative features of a traditional fence.

Going to the local lumber store and purchasing fencing panels is certainly easy. But an environmentally conscious person will consider not just the convenience, but also the resources it uses. Any manufactured products will add to world pollution, as will all the extra emissions created during the many stages of transportation.

As more and more people become environmentally aware, they see that long term sustainability is far more important than simple convenience. A plant like bamboo is truly one of the wonders of nature. It is fast growing and replaces itself quickly. It can be used for many different purposes. In addition, it is a great material to have around the home and garden as it does not emit any toxic fumes or contribute to world pollution.

There are a surprising number of bamboo varieties. The Shibataea is part of the Phyllostachys group and is one of the best types for growing ornamental or barrier fences with. Left to grow wild it will reach heights of between three and six feet. It will also spread rapidly due to its network of underground roots, known as rhizomes. To create the best fences the plants should be trimmed back in the spring to encourage them to grow in shorter and denser.

The stalks of the bamboo plant are known as culms. They are typically long, thinnish and green. Some varieties can be lighter green, but more are a darker shade. Some even take on a deep reddish tinge when exposed to good amounts of sun light. The Shibataea is unusual in that the culms are in fact short, only about three to four inches long and about one to one and a half inches in width.

Interestingly, some of the bamboo plants can grow to be around fifty feet high. Their stalks can be up to six inches thick. These huge plants can be used for many different things. One of the best new uses is flooring. They can be machined into excellent floor boards, they have great color, are very durable and come from a sustainable resource.

The Kimmei variety is part of the Poaceae family and can grow up to thirty feet tall. It is a tough plant and can be grown in the United States in hardiness zones six through eleven. Normal rainfall levels work fine and a variety of soils ranging from sandy to clay are fine. This attractive ever green will grow well on hillsides and slopes and will quickly form excellent privacy for a home, or a wind barrier in breezy area.

The Semi Arundinaria Yashadake Kimmei is a versatile member of the bamboo family. More and more new uses are being found every year. Asides from the beauty it adds to any garden, there always seems to be an element of calmness associated with it. Maybe it is the eastern origin that gives this amazing plant its new found popularity.??

Sasa Palmata Nebulosa Transforms Your Garden

Sasa Palmata Nebulosa is one of those plants that can really make a difference, if you decide to put them in your garden. Beautiful garden is something to be proud of, but it really add value to your house. Besides, you can spend so many wonderful hours there enjoying it with your friends and family.

The same plant is sometimes called Sasaella ramosa, or Arundinaria vagans. It belongs to bamboo family, and it has very long, mostly bright green leaves. Sometimes other colors may appear, but they are always more than appealing. It can grow just about anywhere, because it likes sun and shade.

Decorative leaves make this plant a desirable part of every garden. Leaf is elliptic, glossy and very nice. Although you may have this plant on your terrace, the real place for it is always a garden. It can spread indefinitely, providing luxurious green corners of tropical paradise.

Sasa, as a member of bamboo family, has numerous species. Lush, decorative foliage is beautiful in all seasons, and numerous stems make the great background for your other plants and flowers. Sasa Tessellata is especially decorative, thanks to its very long, dark green, glossy leaves.

Sasa Veitichii is another member of the same family, interesting because it has white and green leaves you will notice. Thick purple and green culms are also very decorative. Fertilization is the only way to make your garden stay beautiful and luxurious for years. Depending on the quality of the soil you have, ask your florist for some suggestion when buying the fertilizer.

Growing bamboo shouldn’t be difficult. They require generous amounts of water, but only once a week. This type of plants need to have good drainage, and some compost mixed in the soil may provide it. Of course, watering depends on weather conditions, and you don’t have to be concerned about it if the rain does it instead of you.

Thick layer of mulch will help retain the moist.Water your plants in the evening, or early in the morning. This is important because those water drops formed on leaves should disappear before heat comes. Too much water can cause root diseases.

Soil preparation is very important for all plants. Adding compost and other organic matter will increase drainage and improve the quality of the soil. After planting your bamboo, add some mulch on the surface to preserve the moist. It will also be a protection from slugs and snails, probably much better than different chemicals.

Two or three years after planting, you may begin pruning your bamboo. You need to remove old and unattractive parts, but you may also shape your plants differently. Some sorts may be split, and you just have to replant this part somewhere. This type is spreading all around and you won’t have to do this.

It will spread and occupy your whole garden in time, if you allow it to happen. If you want to keep it only on one place, you need to build a barrier around it. For this purpose you need to dig a trench, and install a root barrier. Sasa Palmata Nebulosa is just a perfect plant for designing extraordinary gardens.

Sasa Palmata Nebulosa Is A Wonderful Choice For Every Garden

Beautiful plants can really add some value to your home. Nicely designed garden with blooming bushes can become wonderful oasis for spending your time with family and friends. Using luxurious tropical plants like Sasa Palmata Nebulosa may transform your garden into a tropical paradise.

This plant is actually a member of a bamboo family. It is also known as Sasaella ramosa, or Arundinaria vagans. Very vigorous, wide spreading plant with mostly bright green, but sometimes variegated foliage color looks really appealing. It will grow on the sun, but also in the deep shade.

Beautiful, shiny, ellipse shaped leaves look very decorative, even if you keep your plant in some large pot on your terrace. Nevertheless, it really is a kind of a plant to put it in your garden, in a first place. It will provide large green areas and provide authentic tropical character to it.

Sasa belongs to a bamboo family. Most of those plants have lush foliage, numerous stems and they are evergreen, which means your garden will be nice in all seasons. Sasa Tessellata, or a long leaf bamboo has the largest leaves in this family. Color is dark green and general appearance glossy and luxurious.

Sasa Veitichii, with its purple green culms and very interesting, two colors leaves will be a nice addition to your garden jungle. All your plants will benefit from fertilizing. It should be performed early in the spring. It’s hard to say which type of fertilizer would be the best, because it depends of the soil quality. Ask professional advice about it.

When growing bamboos, watering is very important. It’s better to do it less frequently, but to give them a really generous amount when you do. In normal conditions, water them deeply once a week, in average. It’s important to have very good drainage, and you can achieve that with amending your soil with compost.

Generous layer of mulch will help preserving the moist in the soil. Try watering your plants early in the morning or in the evening. Don’t give them water too frequently, because it may lead to different root diseases.

Before planting your bamboo, prepare the soil. Improve the quality adding compost. Organic matter will make suitable environment for your new plants, and thick layer of mulch will keep the moist in. Besides, mulch may be a great protection against snails and slugs, and they really like to attack all the plants.

Pruning will provide the desired shape of your plant. Besides, you need to cut off those old, unappealing parts. For bamboo, pruning can start in second or third year after planting. Some bamboo may be split and relocated, but you won’t need this procedure with this willingly spreading type.

The only problem with Sasa Palmata Nebulosa is that it can spread indefinitely. To prevent this from happening, you need to install the root barrier. You have to dig a deep trench around the area you would like your plant to stay within. Install the barrier, and you won’t have to worry about transforming your garden into a real jungle.

Pleioblastus Pumilus Makes Very Appealing Ground Cover

Pleioblastus Pumilus may be considered as a small bamboo. It belongs to a dwarf category, with 0,3 to 0,8m. With its appealing dark green upright foliage, it will be a nice addition to your garden. It likes well drained soil and enough water, but it will survive in poorer soils as well. May be kept on balconies, also.

It grows very fast, and spreads all around, if you don’t install a good root barrier. Part shade spots may be good enough for them, but they still prefer to be placed on sun, and they will appreciate if you do this. They make very nice ground cover, and can also be used for embankment.

Pleioblastus Pygmaeus Distichus can be 0,2 to 1m high, and it originates from Japan. Actually, most members of this family originate from Japan. This plant has small, appealing leaves, and also can be used for bordering and ground covering. It prefers moist soil, and it doesn’t really matter if you put it on the sun or in the shade. It’s resistant to low temperatures.

Pygmaeus planted in groups looks especially nice. It also spreads very fast, and it makes it very good for edging borders. This type of bamboo should be cut to the ground level occasionally. This way they will remain green and healthy. You can do it twice a year.

Pleioblastus Shibuyanus, Tsuboii, is 1 to 2m tall, and has very nicely white-dashed leaves. It can be used for designing the low hedge, placed on the sun. It prefers the same kind of soil, moist and well-drained. Very good low temperature resistance is its quality.

Pleioblastus auricomus also came from Japan, but this really is a small plant, only 0,2 to 0,4m tall. Deep, moist soil, partial shade and enough of water will be the perfect environment for this type of bamboo. Nicely shaped leaves are dashed with yellow and gold. It looks very nice planted in small clumps, but it can be used for bordering as well. It should also be cut back to the ground twice a year.

Bamboo doesn’t require too much maintenance. You need an appropriate soil, occasional fertilizing, lots of water and that’s it. Some types need to be pruned to the ground, some don’t, but you may shape them anyway. They are really very resistant, and you can put smaller varieties in pots to decorate your balconies.

They grow fast, and you will soon have beautiful edges in your garden. Keep in mind that some varieties may be extremely tall, and occupy your garden. That’s why you should plan where you will put different types. Root spreading types should have a root barrier installed.

There are three categories of bamboo. Dwarfs are the smallest, up to 1,2m. Medium bamboos are between 1,2 and 3m, and giants can be over 10m, if you take good care of them. Be careful to choose the category that will fit to your garden.

Young plants may require little more attention. Nourish them properly and provide enough water for them, and an appropriate soil, of course. Adults are more resistant, but some types need to be pruned. Give them what they need, and they will transform your garden into a tropical paradise. Pleioblastus Pumilus is a very good choice.

Pleioblastus Pumilus Is A Nice Addition To Your Garden

Pleioblastus Pumilus has dark green, upright leaves and it belongs to a dwarf bamboo category, with its size of 0,3 to 0,8m. It will grow anywhere, even in poor soil, but it prefers well drained one, with lots of watering. It can be also kept in pots.

It spreads rapidly, and you will have to install a root barrier if you want to limit its growth. Water it regularly, and it will flourish on the sun, although you can have nice results if you put it on part shade places as well. It can be used for embankment and as ground cover.

Pleioblastus Pygmaeus Distichus has very small, compact leaves, and it is a perfect ground cover, especially when used for banks and borders. As all other members of its family, it originates from Japan. Size is in between 0,2 and 1m. Resistant to very low temperatures, it likes to be placed in deep, moist soil, on full sun or shaded places.

Pygmaeus looks especially attractive if planted in large groups. Since it spreads rapidly, it will be a perfect borders edging plant. Pruning should be performed twice a year, and cutting it at least once a year back to ground level will keep its fresh appearance.

Pleioblastus Shibuyanus, also known as Tsuboii is much taller plant, 1 to 2m high, and its green leaves are white-dashed. It will survive low temperatures, but it likes to be planted on nice, full sun position, in deep, moist, well-drained soil. It is mostly used as a low hedge.

Pleioblastus auricomus originates from Japan and its full size is somewhere between 0, 2 and 0,4m. It likes moist, deep soil, without excess of lime, as well as to be placed in partial shade. Resistant to very low temperatures, its green leaves are dashed with gold and yellow. It may be used for bordering or planted in small clumps. It should be cut to ground level twice a year.

Although bamboo plants are simple to look after, the ideal environment for planting them is always well drained, moist soil. They can easily be kept in containers, but they will grow wherever you put them. If you provide enough water, appropriate soil and an occasional fertilizing, you will most certainly have really beautiful plants.

Bamboos grow very quickly, and you should choose the appropriate variety for each purpose. Most low varieties have a running root system, and it means their underground stems will grow in all directions around your plant. That’s why you should install root barriers to contain the roots.

Generally, bamboos are divided into three categories, dwarf, medium and giant types. Dwarfs are under 1,2 m tall, medium sized are between 1,2 and 3m and giants can easily exceed 10m in the right environment. Keep that in mind while choosing plants for your garden.

Young plants should be generously fed and watered. Adults will survive even if neglected. Most species require regular pruning or cutting back to the ground level, if you want to keep them well shaped and preserve their fresh appearance for long years. Pleioblastus Pumilus is easy to maintain beautiful addition to any garden.

Pleioblastus Pumilus Can Bring Interest To The Garden

There are many species of dwarf bamboo plants with one of the most attractive being the Pleioblastus Pumilus. They will thrive well when planted in partial or fully shaded areas. The soil they are planted in should be fertilized and moist but well drained. These popular attractive plants will reach around one metre when fully grown.

This species has beautiful green leaves and the plants are ideal when used as ground cover. They can be successfully grown in any part of a garden and especially useful of filling smaller areas. These plants will grow quickly and are useful for areas under bushes or trees. They are also suitable for growing indoors as a house plant.

The leaves of the Pleioblastus Distichus plants resemble those of ferns and palm trees. When looking for a plant that can provide ground cover these hardy plants can provide excellent growth for areas under trees and other parts of a garden. Positioned in full sun or a partially shaded area these plants will grow healthily. They are very popular with the gardeners of Japanese gardens. When potted in containers they can look wonderful when placed on a patio.

The Pygmy bamboo or Pleioblastus Pygmaeus is a smaller version of the Distichus plant. This plant with its smaller leaves is popular with growers of bonsai plants. They are particularly at home in areas within Japanese gardens. Wonderful greenery can be provided all year round by this popular plant which is the smallest of the bamboo family. To achieve a bushy looking plant it should be cut down to ground level and it will then grow successfully during the following spring.

A plant with gorgeous pale green and white striped leaves is known as the Pleioblastus Shibuyanus Tsuboii. This plant has a tropical look and is often used as an ornamental plant. It can be grown as a screening plant or as a hedge and when it is pruned with care is can be sculptured to make it an attractive feature of the garden. The plant can provide ground cover and works well under trees as it prefers to be in a partially shaded area.

The Pleioblastus Viridistriata Auricoma is a tropical looking plant with purple and green stems and lovely green and yellow leaves. They are happiest when positioned in full sunlight. This colorful plant can look good in any part of any garden. It can thrive in various areas of a garden and can look really good as part of a border.

These plants of small to medium sized belong to the dwarf bamboo family of plants. All the varieties come in many gorgeous shades to add color to any area of a garden, they also make wonderful ornamental plants. Many types of dwarf bamboo are hardy plants that will need a little care during the cold months.

A lot of interest can be added to a garden by adding bamboo plants. Most of the varieties like to be planted in moist and fertile soils. One of the most hardy and attractive species is the Pleioblastus Pumilus.

Pleioblastus Pumilus Are Ideal Plants For Many Areas Of A Garden

One of the plants that belongs to the dwarf family of bamboo plants is the Pleioblastus Pumilus. These plants prefer areas where they will be positioned in partial or full shade. For healthy growth they like to be planted in soil that is moist, well drained and fertilized. These dwarf plants will only grow to around one meter tall.

These plants with gorgeous green leaves can make an excellent plant for ground cover. They are suitable for growing in smaller spots of the garden. These plants are ideal when quick growth is required and are wonderful for coverage of areas under trees and bushes. These plants are also ideal for growing indoors.

The Pleioblastus Distichus plants have leaves that are a gorgeous green color and are similar in appearance to those of ferns and palm trees. These hardy plants are good for planting beside trees and for areas that require ground cover. They will grow to be healthy plants if they are exposed to the sun or partial shade. Japanese gardens can often be found to be home to these dwarf bamboo plants. They make ideal patio plants when planted in containers and pots.

Pleioblastus Pygmaeus also known as Pygmy bamboo plants have very small green leaves and look similar to Distichus. These plants are popular with people who get enjoyment from bonsai plants. A popular site for these plants is a Japanese garden where they are home alongside other bamboo plants. Beautiful greenery can be added to a garden throughout the year. They can be cut down to ground level and they will grow and produce a gorgeous looking plant the following spring.

One of the species of dwarf bamboo is the Pleioblastus Shibuyanus Tsuboii. This plant has green and white stripey leaves and it is a tropical looking plant. It is often used as an ornamental plant and can be sculpted into a wonderful looking hedge or screen plant. It is an ideal plant for areas that need ground cover plants and for areas that are partially shaded or for areas where there are trees growing, this is a suitable plant for planting under trees and bushes.

The green and purple stems with golden yellow and contrasting green leaves of the Pleioblastus Viridistriata Auricoma are the wonderful colors of this tropical looking plant. Direct sunlight is the position of choice for these plants. A garden can be really brightened up with the colors of these stunning plants. A border that gets lots of sunshine during the day is an ideal position for these versatile plants.

The plants of the dwarf bamboo family range from small to medium sized. They are available in a range of different colors and various shades of green. These hardy plants are suitable for growing to provide ground cover whilst the ornamental varieties can provide a lot of pleasure for the gardener.

They are available in a wide variety of gorgeous colors and will add interest to any garden. The most favorable conditions for the plants are moist fertile soils with some liking exposure to sunlight and others preferring shade. One of the most hardy of the dwarf varieties is the Pleioblastus Pumilus.