Exotic Plants, Shrubs and Succulents
Large selection of hardy Exotic Plants, Shrubs and Succulents to delight and excite. Create a relaxing sense of garden paradise.
All listed sizes available for immediate Nationwide Delivery. Delivery Cost calculated at the Check Out. We also offer Tree Sourcing Service of rare varieties. Large trees delivery to the planting pit at your back garden and planting service. Speak to us for more details.
Musa Basjoo (Hardy Banana Tree)
Musa Ensete ‘Santa Morelli’ (Ethiopian Black Banana)
Musa Sikkimensis (Red Tiger)
Mexican Grass Tree (Dasylirion Longissimum)
Phormium Apricot Queen (New Zealand Flax)
Phormium Sundowner (New Zealand Flax)
Phormium Tenax (New Zealand Flax)
Phormium Tenax Variegatum (Variegated New Zealand Flax)
Strelitzia Reginae (Bird of Paradise Plant)
Strelitzia Nicolai (White Bird of Paradise)
Callistemon Laevis (Bottlebrush) – Quarter Standard
Callistemon Laevis (Bottlebrush) – Shrub
Callistemon Laevis (Bottlebrush) – Milti-Stem – Extra
Callistemon Viminalis ‘Hot Pink’ (Bottlebrush ‘Hot Pink’) – Shrub
Callistemon Viminalis (Bottlebrush) – Half Standard
Callistemon Citrinus ‘White Anzac’ (Bottlebrush ‘White Anzac’) – Shrub
Citrus Lime (Lime Trees / Limetta) – Quarter Standard
Citrus Limonum (Lemon Trees) – Espalier
Citrus Limonum (Lemon Trees) – Half Standard
Citrus Kumquat Nagami (Kumquats) – Quarter Standard
Citrus x Sinensis (Orange Trees) – Espalier
Citrus x Sinensis (Orange Trees) – Half Standard
Citrus x Mitis (Calamondin Orange) – Espalier
Citrus x Nobilis (Common Mandarin) – Espalier
Citrus Aurantium (Bitter Orange) – Half-Standard – Extra
Citrus x Paradisi (Grapefruit) – Espalier
Acacia Dealbata (Mimosa Tree)
Acacia Dealbata (Mimosa Tree) – Standard
Araucaria Araucana (Monkey Puzzle Tree)
Callistemon Laevis (Bottlebrush) – Quarter Standard
Callistemon Laevis (Bottlebrush) – Shrub
Callistemon Laevis (Bottlebrush) – Milti-Stem – Extra
Callistemon Viminalis ‘Hot Pink’ (Bottlebrush ‘Hot Pink’) – Shrub
Callistemon Viminalis (Bottlebrush) – Half Standard
Callistemon Citrinus ‘White Anzac’ (Bottlebrush ‘White Anzac’) – Shrub
Eucalyptus Globulus (Blue Gum) – Shrub
Eucalyptus Globulus (Blue Gum) – Standard
Eucalyptus Gunnii (Cider Gum) – Shrub
Eucalyptus Gunnii (Cider Gum) – Half-Standard
Eucalyptus Gunnii (Cider Gum) – Standard
Eucalyptus Pulverulenta ‘Baby Blue’ (Silver-Leaved Mountain Gum ‘Baby Blue’) – Shrub
Melia Azedarach (Chinaberry Tree) – Standard
Aloe Arborescens (Krantz Aloe)
Aloe Vera
Agave Americana (Century Plant / Maguey / American Aloe)
Agave Americana Variegata (Variegated Century Plant)
Agave Americana Mediopicta (Mediopicta Century Plant)
Agave Desmettiana Variegata (Variegated Smooth Agave)
Agave Filifera (Thread-Leaf Agave)
Agave Lophantha Quadricolor (Quadricolor Century Plant)
Agave Nigra (Sharkskin Agave)
Agave Pygmaea (Agave Seemanniana Ssp. Pygmaea)
Agave x Leopoldii (Leopold Agave)
Agave Attenuata (Foxtail Agave)
Opuntia Ficus Indica (Indian / Barbary Fig / Prickly Pear)
Euphorbia Abyssinica (Desert Candle)
(50 Products)