Agostini Irrigation Kit for Vegetable Garden

Product Code: 0055-ir

From: £214.80

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The irrigation kit for vegetable garden is ideal for the realization of small capillary irrigation systems (drop by drop) for any type of vegetable garden .
With the assembly of these products is possible to irrigate a land with dimensions of about 25mt x12mt.

Technical characteristics irrigation kit for vegetable garden

Irrigation kit for vegetable garden composed by:

– No. 1 GF30 one way battery operated programmer, has programs that can be combined with each other up to 30 possibilities, manageable through the two easy to use knob selectors. Ideal for outdoor use;
– Dripline Siplast Mono&Tandem MT.50 P.33 brown, polyethylene pipe with built-in dripper during extrusion, which offers excellent features of versatility and reliability;
– Polyethylene pipe Siplast D.16 PN4 MT.25, suitable for capillary irrigation systems;
– N°15 Ground anchor stakes for pipe D.16 d.16 or drip line;
– N°5 End caps D.16;
– N°4 T Female 16×1/2″ branch with gate valve for drip line;
– N°1 Elbow for D.16 pipe;
– N°1 Teflon tape 12 Mt. for gaskets
– N°1 Initial fitting for connection to GF30 controller;
– N°1 High Tech 9V Battery Energizer.

How to make the irrigation system with the kit for vegetable garden? Follow our advice:

– Position the GF30Programmer
– Join the Programmer with the initial fitting followed by the elbow
– Connect the polyethylene pipe Siplast D.16 PN4 MT.25 to the elbow and lay it perpendicular to the furrow created.
– In the vicinity of the grooves, make shunts with female T’s with a D.16 tap
– Finally, connect and extend thebrown Mono&Tandem drip line Siplast to the female T ‘s along the groove created.

Click to download:
Technical data sheet of the GF30 one-way battery operated controller