Facts About The Versatile Olea Europaea (Olive Tree)

The Olea Europaea (Olive Tree) has always been an important part of life in the Mediterranean region. There are many references to it in ancient scripts. Its Latin name means ‘oil from Europe’. Olive oil was once considered sacred and was burnt in the lamps of temples. Victors of significant contests were adorned with a crown of leaves. It is seen as a symbol of peace, glory, power and purity.

The fruit is made into oil but the leaves and wood are also valuable products. The oil is a major cash crop for the farmers of its native area. The leaves are used in medicinal teas and combined with olive oil in soaps and skin preparations. The wood is close-grained and yellow or light brown with a darker tint. It is highly regarded by woodworkers.

It is an evergreen shrub, which rarely grows more than 48 feet in height. Most are kept even shorter by frequent pruning. It is short and squat and the leaves a silvery green. The trunks, especially of old trees, grow twisted and gnarled. The fruit is a drupe, meaning it has fleshy outer part surrounding a hard stone. Wild olives typically have smaller fruit with less flesh than cultivated varieties. The fruit is harvested when green to purple in color. Although there are olives which are naturally black, canned olives are sometimes treated with chemicals to obtain the black color.

Olives have always been grown extensively in the Mediterranean area. It is now one of the most extensively grown trees in the world. In terms of acreage only coconuts and oil palms cover more land. There are six subspecies but many hundreds of cultivars, developed for specific purposes. The Kalamata for instance is grown specifically as a table olive.

The trees thrive on limestone slopes and grow best on light soil. They will even grow on clay if it is well-drained. When grown in rich soils they sometimes contract diseases. They cope well with drought and have a sturdy, well-spread root system. Some trees have been verified as over 2,000 years old. Most of these old trees are still bearing top-quality olives.

While they will grow from suckers or seeds, the yield from these trees is usually poor. A more common method of propagation is by grafting the cultivar onto an existing tree. Another method is to cut out and plant embryonic buds. Heavy crops occur only every few years and rarely two years in succession. Regular pruning keeps the trees low enough for easy picking of the fruit.

It is common to harvest the olives either in autumn and/or winter. There are several methods employed to harvest olives. The boughs or tree may be shaken vigorously and the fruit picked up from the ground; the olives may be ‘milked’ into a bag attached to the waist or a net may be wrapped round the trunk. The fruit is caught in the net and collected by pickers. There is also an electric machine which has tongs that spin, removing the fruit.

The fruit has a bitter taste in its natural state and there are very few varieties that can be enjoyed fresh. Olives are normally fermented or cured before being consumed. The Olea Europaea (Olive Tree) is part of the culture of many countries.

Information About The Useful Olea Europaea (Olive Tree)

The Olea Europaea (Olive Tree) is an integral part of the Mediterranean landscape. It is one of the first trees ever to be mentioned in ancient scripts. It was considered sacred and its branches were used to adorn outstanding athletes and warriors. The oil was used as lamp oil and burnt in temples and churches. The olive represents power and glory as well as peace and purity. The Latin name translates as ‘oil from Europe’.

The oil, wood and leaves all have significant value. The leaves are used for medicinal purposes in tea, skin preparations and soaps. The yellow to light brown, close-grained wood has an attractive darker tint running through the grain. Woodworkers hold the timber in high regard. Olive oil has been a major agricultural crop in the Mediterranean regions for thousands of years. The oil, of course, is used extensively all over the world in cooking and eating.

It is a short, stubby tree. It is regularly pruned back but rarely reaches 48 feet in its wild state. It is an evergreen with attractive silver-grey foliage. The trunks of old trees are twisted and gnarled. The fleshy drupe or fruit contains a hard stone. Cultivated trees have larger, fleshier fruit than wild trees. Depending on its intended use, fruit may be harvested when green or purple. Some varieties have black fruit while some olives are treated with chemicals to turn them black when canned.

Whereas the trees were once restricted to the Mediterranean region, it is now grown around the world. Only the oil palm and coconut cover more area than the olive. There are only six subspecies of Olea Europaea. Hundreds of cultivars have been developed for specific purposes. For example the Kalamata has been produced specifically for consumption as a fruit. Others have been improved to produce greater amounts or better quality oil.

Olives prefer light soils and may become diseased on soil that is too rich. They prefer limestone slopes. If they have good drainage, they will even grow on clay. With an extensive root system they stand up well to drought conditions but do not like cold weather. Some ancient trees have been carbon-dated as being over 2,000 years old. Even these very old trees continue to bear fruit.

Propagation is usually by grafting a cultivar to a host. Another way is to plant embryonic buds which then shoot into new trees. Harvests vary from year to year and it is rare to have a heavy yield two years running. Routine pruning helps keep the trees low and allows easy picking.

The fruit is harvested in autumn and winter. Methods of harvesting vary from shaking the branches and picking up the fallen fruit to ‘milking’ the olives by hand-picking into sacks. Mechanical units also employ spinning tongs which knock the fruit from the tree. Sometimes a net is placed round the trunk and spread out like an umbrella to catch the fruit.

Very few varieties are eaten raw as the taste is quite bitter. Curing and fermenting are employed to make the olives acceptable for eating. The Olea Europaea (Olive Tree) will continue to be a very popular crop.

Information About The Olea Europaea (Olive Tree)

The Mediterranean region is the home of the Olea Europaea (Olive Tree). It is mentioned in ancient scripts and has long been considered sacred. Heroes were bedecked with its branches after significant victories. It represented power and glory in these instances. The oil is burnt in religious buildings representing, this time, peace and purity. Olea Europaea when translated means ‘oil from Europe’.

While olive oil might be considered the most important part of the tree, the leaves and wood are also valued. In its native lands, the oil is a major crop for farmers. Medicinal tea is made from the leaves which are also used in skin preparations and soaps. Woodworkers value the close-grained wood. This is yellow to light brown and has a darker tint running through it.

Olives rarely grow past 48 feet. It is short, squat, evergreen shrub with silvery green leaves. Cultivated groves are pruned frequently. As the trees age, the trunks grow twisted and gnarled. The drupe or fruit is elongated and fleshy with a hard stone or pit. The fruit of wild olives is smaller than and not as fleshy as that of cultivated trees. Harvesting takes place when the fruit is green to purple in color. There are now varieties which bear black fruit. Some are treated with chemicals when canned to turn them black.

It has always been a major agricultural crop in the Mediterranean area and is extensively cultivated throughout the world. Only coconuts and oil palms cover more acreage than olives. There are six subspecies of Olea Europaea and hundreds and hundreds of cultivars. Some cultivars such as Kalamata are famed for their qualities as a table food while others are used almost exclusively for the production of oil.

Olives can succumb to disease when grown on rich soil. They like limestone slopes but will grow on clay if well-drained. Although they don’t like the cold, they cope well with drought as they have an extensive root system. They are very long-lived with some having been carbon-dated as over 2,000 years old. Even at these advanced ages, the trees still produce olives.

Trees grown from suckers or seeds do not usually yield well. Generally the cultivar is grafted onto a host. Alternatively the embryonic buds may be cut out and planted. It is rare to have a heavy harvest every year. By regular pruning the trees are kept low enough for the fruit to be more easily picked.

Harvest occurs in autumn and winter. By shaking the branches, fruit falls to the ground to be picked up. Pickers may ‘milk’ the olives into a sack tied round the waist or an umbrella-like net may be placed round the trunk and the fruit caught in this. A mechanical method has spinning tongs which remove the fruit from the tree.

In its natural state, the fruit is bitter and is rarely eaten in its fresh state. Fermenting and curing are the usual methods of treating the olives. The Olea Europaea (Olive Tree) has enjoyed a very long history and will continue to do so.

Best Ways To Care For A Tuscan Olea Europea Tree

The evergreen Olea Europea is a tree native to the Mediterranean region. It is widely popular for its attractive accent. The foliage is feathery and grayish-greenish. The branches are gnarled. It is possible to grow this tree in a number of warm climates that do not fall below 30 degrees Fahrenheit. When growing this tree, remember to planting it at an ideal site. Pruning and creating a water cycle is vital.

The tree requires to be planted in a well-drained soil. You should protect it from strong winds. The roots do not grow very deep and could fall over when exposed to extreme elements. Multiple trees should be planted not more than 20 feet apart. As well, be sure to leave at least 50 feet headroom since the average height is 30-50 feet.

The tree is mainly resistant to wind, frost as well as drought. The wood produced can make good furniture. A fully-grown tree is neatly shaped with a dense crown that can grow nine meters wide. The flowers are tiny white to greenish. They have a light scent. Eventually they produce small, round and lightly corpulent fruits that are purple black when ripe.

When planting this tree, ensure you do so near a water source. The fruits are popular with people and animals. The tree also has medicinal value. It can be used to treat high blood pressure and eye lotions. As well, it could be used to treat diarrhea. It also produces a variety of products such as furniture, ornaments, spoons and fencing posts. The fruit juice produces ink.

This tree can make a good shade for plants in the garden especially from its evergreen nature. All you need is to propagate the seeds in river sand. In addition, you could use the hardwood cuttings but remember to use a rooting hormone. Do not plant the tree too close to pools, patios or walls. This is because of the potentially aggressive root system.

The plant needs a lot of compost. Mulching with organic materials such as dried leaves is vital to avoid weeds and loss of water. Throughout the year, you need to keep the watering moderate. It is vital that you plant it in fertile soils that have a good draining. Poor quality drainage may lead to rotting of the roots. Such a problem will reduce the structure and function of the entire tree.

After this tree is established, you do not necessarily have to water it since it is drought tolerant. The plant species do not have any pests that are common to it. It could however suffer from diseases such as Verticillium wilt, which may result with falling branches and shrivelled leaves. What may also affect the common Olive tree is rotting of roots because of a fungal infection.

When feeding the Olea Europea it is vital, you use high-nitrogen fertilizer. Water it well for a year until new growth is evident. Use pruning shears to remove any dead, diseased or broken branches. As well, during its dormant season, prune back any awkward branches to ensure penetration of sunlight and air. Also, remove any forms of suckers.

How To Grow A Tuscan Olea Europea Tree

Olea Europea is a tree native to the Mediterranean region. It is evergreen and popular because of its stunning accent. It has leaves that are shiny, leathery as well as have a greenish-grayish hue with contorted branches. The tree does well in warm weather that does not go below 30 degrees Fahrenheit. When planting your tree, ensure that you have an ideal site. Prune it and structure a water cycle.

Your tree should be planted in well-drained soils. It remains vital that you protect it from exposure to too much wind. Extreme elements could cause it to topple since the roots are not deep penetrating. When planting many trees, provide a spacing of not less than 20 feet. Also, allow it 50 feet headroom. Its height averages from 30 and 50 feet.

It is possible for the trees to resist a gush of wind, extreme drought as well as frost. The wood could be used to make furniture. When fully grown, the tree becomes extremely densely crowned. It could also cover an area of around nine meters. It has some tiny white-greenish flowers with some scent. Its fruits are small, round and little flesh. When ripe, they are purple-black in color.

Animals and humans love the fruit. The tree possessed medicinal strengths. It could be used to reduce blood pressure as well as develop an eye lotion. It treats diarrhea from its extracts. The tree can make products such as ornaments, fencing products, spoons and also furniture. The ripe fruit is good for making ink. Ensure that the trees are planted close to a water source.

The plant makes an impressive source of cover for other garden plants. This is mainly because of its evergreen nature. Make sure the seeds are propagated on river sand rich areas. It is also possible to use cuttings that have a rooting hormone. Do not plant the trees too close to patios, water or pools since its root system has a tendency to be overly aggressive.

The plant needs a lot of compost. Organic mulching using dried leaves is vital to avoid too much loss of water as well as keep weeds away. Throughout the year, water it well. Make sure the soil is fertile and well drained. If this is not so, the root system may rot and will reduce the function and structure of the entire plant.

After the tree is established well, you do not have to water it since it can be able to resist drought. No common pests are known but there are diseases. The Verticillium wilt could cause the leave to shrivel and branches fall off. It remains possible for these trees to develop a fungal infection that takes its toll on the roots, which end up rotting.

When feeding the Olea Europea be sure to fertilize it with high-nitrogen fertilizer. Ensure that you water it all through the year until the next new growth. Pruning shears are vital for the removal of sickly, broken and dead branches. This should be done in its dormant season to allow for aeration and sunlight. Remove the suckers on the trunk as well.

How To Care For A Tuscan Olea Europea Tree

The Olea Europea is an evergreen treed native to the Mediterranean region. This tree is loved for its gorgeous accent. Its leaves are leathery, shiny and green-grayish in color. Its branches are contorted. The tree thrives in warmer areas not less than 30 degrees Fahrenheit. When planting this tree, make sure you keep it in mind that you need to plant it at an ideal site. It remains important to prune it and have a water cycle for it.

The trees need to be planted in soils with good drainage. It is important that you protect it from too much wind. The roots are not known to go deep enough into the soil and it could risk toppling over when exposed to extreme elements. Many trees should be planted at least 20 feet apart. To add to that, allow not less than 50 feet headroom. The average height of the tree is between 30 and 50 feet.

The trees can resist a lot of wind, drought as well as frost. It could be possible to use the wood for making furniture. The fully-grown tree has a neat shape and a very dense crown. The trees could cover an area of nine meters. It has tiny white to greenish flowers with a light scent. The fruit is also tiny and round with little flesh. When ripe, they turn purple to black.

The fruits are loved by animals as well as people. It also has medicinal advantages. It is mostly used in treating conditions such as high blood pressure and makes eye lotion. Diarrhea is also treatable with its extracts. It produces wood products like ornaments, furniture, fencing posts as well as spoons. Its ripe fruit could be used to make ink. Make sure that your tree is planted near a water source.

The tree is an impressive source of shade for plants in the garden especially if because of its evergreen qualities. All you should do is to propagate the seeds in the rich river sand. You could also use the cuttings from the hardwood and remember to include a rooting hormone. Never plant your trees near walls, patios or pools. The root system has a tendency to be aggressive.

The plant requires a lot of compost. Mulching using organic materials like dried leaves will be vital to avoid extreme loss of water. All through the year, the watering should be done moderately. Grow the plant in fertile, well-drained soils. A poor drainage could result in rotting of the root system that will reduce the function and structure of the whole tree.

When the tree has established well, you will not need to water it since it resists drought. There are no common pests with this plant. It is however possible for it to contract diseases that include Verticillium wilt, which causes branches to fall and leaves to shrivel. It is also common for the Olive tree to develop a fungal infection that results in rotting roots.

During feeding of the Olea Europea make sure that, you use a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen. Make sure you water it well throughout the year until you realize new growth. Pruning shears will come in handy when removing sick, dead or broken branches. It is also a good idea to prune back any awkward branches during its dormant season. This allows penetration of air and sunlight. In addition, get rid of the suckers as well.